Zodiac Tarot

Following the Zodiac calendar, these tarot inspired artworks hero each sign’s unique characteristics & personality traits…
ARIES - March 21st – April 19th
The first sign in the zodiac calendar, Aries marks the beginning of something energetic and different.
Symbolised with a Ram head and being a fire sign, Aries are known to be strong personalities that dive headfirst into any challenging situation.
They are bold & ambitious (symbolised by the honey badger), courageous (like a lion), energetic (like lightning) and passionate (like a passion fruit)! Aries are natural leaders and are generally very proactive. Aries, ruled by Mars, are associated with red, white, and pink. The ram is identified with the Egyptian god Amon.
TAURUS - April 20th – May 20th
The second sign in the calendar, Taurus are known to be stable and sensual. These reliable personalities are a sign that harvests the fruits of labour.
Taurus tend to be practical & grounded (gardening tools), reliable & loyal (like swallows that are monogamous birds that mate for life and return to the same nest each year), devoted (symbolised by chrysanthemums) and patient (like a tortoise).
Taurus is an earth sign, symbolised by a bull. In Roman mythology the bull of Taurus represents the god Jupiter who turned himself into a bull in order to kidnap the maiden Europa. Being well grounded to nature it makes sense that Taurus are drawn to greens and browns as well as pinks, romantic and lucky.
GEMINI - May 21st – June 21st
These twins, symbolised here by the split sun and moon, are expressive and quick witted. Gemini represents two different personalities in one, day and night.
Gemini's changeable and open minds make them creative. They are adaptable (like chameleons), curious (magnifying glass), gentle (symbolised by pink orchids) and affectionate (like parrots - naturally social birds that form strong bonds with their flock in the wild)!
Gemini is an air sign, and are associated with yellow (like their cheerful personality), white (appeasing twin personalities) and pastel green (that balances out their playful personality with their mellow side).
CANCER - June 22nd – July 22nd
Cancer is a highly intuitive water sign represented by the crab - who seamlessly weaves between the sea and shore representing Cancer's ability to exist in both emotional and material realms. Cancer can pick up on energy and vibes in a room effortlessly.
This highly imaginative sign (represented by the dragon), is loyal (like cranes, that mate for life), nurturing (like seedlings) as well as being known for being excellent hosts (champagne anyone?!)
Being a water sign it is logical that Cancer is drawn to blue (soothing), white & silver (for calm and purity), light and sea green (playfulness and balance). The birth flower for Cancer is a white rose.
LEO - July 23rd – August 22nd
Leos are natural born leaders, wild and confident like the roaring lion that they take after. They are warm hearted (like being under the sun's rays), cutting edge leaders (the sword), consistent (pocket watch) as well as brave (symbolised by the koi carp that stands for courage and perseverance). Leos are cheerful, humorous and generous - always good to have around!
This fire sign isn't to be messed with, Leos are passionate and will stick up for what they believe in... Leo colours are gold, orange and yellow (all things warm) as well as regal deep reds - they are king of the jungle after all! Leo’s lion symbol is linked to the Nemean lion of Greek and Roman mythology.
VIRGO - August 23rd –September 22nd
This is the only zodiac sign solely represented by a female figure. "Virgo" itself translates to "maiden" in Latin, and the constellation Virgo is depicted as a virgin woman in mythology, typically associated with the goddess Demeter, representing harvest and fertility; which is why she often carries sheaves of wheat.
Virgos are highly intellectual (represented by the owl), meticulous (tape measure), focussed (telescope) and kind (like deer, that symbolise gentleness, gracefulness and sensitivity).
This earth element is associated with green (nature and growth) and brown (practical and conservative), yellow, as well as calming pastel shades of blue, grey, peach and mauve.
LIBRA - September 23rd – October 23rd
Those born as Libra are well known for being sociable and charming. As the only sign that is represented by an inanimate object - scales - Libra have a fixation with balance and harmony. They are peaceful (symbolised by a dove), graceful (associated with peonies), cooperative and communicative (like bees) and have a taste for beautiful aesthetics (hence the chandelier)!
This air element is associated with calming pastel blue (also known for clarity and balance), forest greens (structure) and romantic dusty pink. "Libra" directly translates to "scales" in Latin and the stars that make up the Libra constellation are seen to form the shape of scales.
SCORPIO - October 24th – November 21st
Scorpio is a water sign, and is known for being mysterious with determination and focus that is rare to find. This sign is passionate (symbolised by the red rose), loyal (the Irish claddagh ring), independent (the eagle) and ambitious (like salmon, ever swimming upstream)!
Scorpio colours are scarlet, red, rust (which link to their romantic side as well as their boldness), as well as purple which is often associated with ambition. Scorpio is directly linked to the constellation Scorpius, which means "scorpion" in Latin. In Greek mythology, the scorpion is associated with a story where the Earth goddess Gaia sent a scorpion to kill the hunter Orion, placing them as opposing constellations in the sky.
SAGITTARIUS - November 22nd – December 21st
This sign, symbolised by the bow and arrow or archer, is all about adventure and freedom (represented by the compass). They are characteristically optimistic (like sunflowers), have magnetic personalities (hence the magnet) - often making them the life and soul of the party (so shake up some cocktails) - they don't disappoint!
Colour wise, Sagittarius are just like their element (fire) with yellow, orange (resonating with adventure), purple (for spirituality and awareness). "Sagittarius" itself means "archer" in Latin, and in mythology, the constellation is depicted as a centaur (half-man, half-horse) drawing a bow and arrow, most commonly associated with the centaur Chiron who was known for his archery skills.
CAPRICORN - December 22nd – January 19th
This earth element is a sign that represents time and responsibility. Capricorns are hard working and ambitious (represented by the anvil), have buckets of self control (azaleas in Victorian times became known for this due to the delicate nature of the flower which thrives with careful cultivation), incredible family-focus (hence the tree) as well as having a secret wild side (like the tiger)!
Capricorn is drawn back to its earthy roots in regards to colour and is associated with brown and grey (representing reliability and traditionalism), white and black (colours that represent extremes) as well as camel (associated with determination). Capricorn is often depicted as a "goat fish" because in Greek mythology, the constellation Capricornus is associated with the god Pan, who, while trying to escape the monster Typhon, jumped into a river and transformed partially into a fish, leaving him with the upper body of a goat and the tail of a fish.
AQUARIUS - January 20th – February 18th
This sign is known as the most innovative. Aquarius are thinking bigger picture and are thought of as visionaries (symbolised by the eye), they are often eccentric (go to the beat of their own drum), rebel and make change (butterflies are associated with this as they transform) and lastly are known to be humanitarians (something that Bluebells symbolise along with warmth)!
Often understandably mistaken as a water sign, this air sign is associated with fresh vibrant blues and sea greens (representing idealistic views and independent style), silver, white and turquoise. Aquarius is called the "water bearer" because in ancient astronomy, the constellation Aquarius was depicted as a figure pouring water from a jar, symbolising the arrival of rainy seasons or floods, particularly associated with the flooding of the Nile River in ancient Egypt when the constellation rose in the sky.
PISCES - February 19th – March 19th
Pisces are super friendly and selfless. They are gentle (like peaches that bruise easily), compassionate (often symbolised by waterlilies, which also happen to be Pisces' primary birth flower), and are known to be the artistic sign (paint palette) that is also musical (like a chirping bird)!
This sign is symbolised by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the constant division of Pisces' attention between fantasy and reality. As the final sign Pisces has absorbed every lesson learned by all the other signs and is well rounded. Pisces colours are pale green (renewal and healing), deep blue with seafoam green, cool white, lilac (often associated with their carefree imaginative nature). Pisces is represented by two fish because, according to Greek mythology, the goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed into fish to escape the monster Typhon, and to stay together, they tied themselves together with a cord.